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October 1, 2012

Fighting Piracy on its Own “Terms”

Blog By DMCA Force

Sun Tzu once wrote something to the effect that "if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss; if you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or lose

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September 28, 2012

Protecting Your Copyrights: Don’t Forget to Register!

Blog By DMCA Force

Stories like this one always make me cringe and shake my head, just a bit. To briefly summarize what you will read about in the article linked to above, an artist came to find that a retailer was selling prints o

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September 24, 2012

The Romney Campaign Learns A Lesson In Fonts and Copyright

Blog By DMCA Force

It sounds like the air max 95 femme Mitt Romney campaign is in the process of learning a lesson that many web designers have been confronted with over the years: When it comes to fonts, it's important to watch your

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September 21, 2012

Congressional Anti-Piracy Caucus Issues New Watch List

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In its latest "Country Watch List," the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus identifies a handful of countries wherein a "lack of enforcement of intellectual property rights... causes grave harm to America

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September 18, 2012

Meet Me at the Corner of Piracy and Irony

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German Pirate Party executive committee member Julia Schramm must be experiencing some severe discomfort right about now. The outspoken advocate of information freedom (read: "piracy"), who apparently once referred

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September 14, 2012

Six Strikes, But How Many Teeth?

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Reading over Ars Technica's coverage of its interview with Center for Copyright Information Executive Director Jill Lesser, it's hard to say how exactly the Copyright Alert System, AKA "six strikes" is going to work

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September 12, 2012

Copyright and Innovation

Blog By DMCA Force

Rutgers University law professor Michael A. Carrier has published a very interesting paper called "Copyright and Innovation: The Untold Story" that is very much worth reading, regardless of whether you agree with it

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September 7, 2012

Digital Fingerprint Filtering and The Blame Game

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If you go by the headlines alone, then you'd be tempted to come to the conclusion that technology like digital fingerprint filtering is wreaking havoc on the Internet, and resulting in instant take-down of online co

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August 30, 2012

An Intriguing Proposal: a “Small Claims Court” for Copyright?

Blog By DMCA Force

A group called American Photographic Artists has proposed a very intriguing idea: the notion of  air max 270 femme a more efficient and nimble procedure by which federal courts could consider relatively small copyr

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August 28, 2012

Two Similar Cases, Two Very Different Rulings

Blog By DMCA Force

Out in New York, which is Second Circuit territory in terms of the appellate court system, it seems a potential "split" is brewing on the question of whether online redistribution of broadcast television works const

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Got questions about protecting your digital assets from copyright infringement?