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April 19, 2013

YouTube Wins Another Round Against Viacom

Blog By DMCA Force

By now, you've probably seen the news that U.S. District Judge Louis Stanton has awarded summary judgment to YouTube in Viacom v. YouTube, and you've probably read the salient quotes from the decision, as well. Rat

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April 17, 2013

Even When You Can, Maybe You Shouldn’t, Redux

Blog By DMCA Force

As this blog is operated by an anti-piracy services company, it's natural for us to focus on intellectual property misdeeds of pirates and pirate-enablers. From time to time, however, we run across a story in which

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April 15, 2013

Spain Tries to Keep Itself Off of USTR’s Watch List

Blog By DMCA Force

Each year, the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) puts out what it calls a "Special 301" report, a review of "the of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement in trading part

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April 12, 2013

A Few Words About “Copyright Trolls”

Blog By DMCA Force

If you follow copyright law and intellectual property-related news at all, then there's little doubt that you've read about "copyright trolls," a term for which Wikipedia offers as good a definition as I've seen: "a

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April 10, 2013

Issuing a Take-Down Notice; Sometimes, Even if You Can, Maybe You Shouldn’t

Blog By DMCA Force

Given the services that DMCA Force provides, one might reasonably assume that I'm in favor of issuing DMCA take-down notices in response to any and all apparent online infringements on a copyrighted work; one would

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April 8, 2013

One Subject on Which Piracy Apologists Have a Point… To a Point

Blog By DMCA Force

In reading about the (inevitable) piracy of Netflix's popular original series House of Cards, and the yeezy replica evidently record-setting piracy of the third seasons premier of HBO's Game of Thrones, I'm struck b

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April 4, 2013

Judge: ‘Either the Law or ReDigi Must Change’

Blog By DMCA Force

Back in October, I wrote briefly about Capitol Records' (a division of EMI Music) lawsuit against ReDigi, a service that allows users to store, stream, buy and sell "pre-owned" digital music. At the time, I thoug

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April 2, 2013

Court Denies Broadcasters Prelim Injunction in the Aereo Case

Blog By DMCA Force

In a ruling that some interpret as a very bad portent for the plaintiffs'/broadcasters' claims, a panel of judges from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court's decision declining the plaintiffs

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March 27, 2013

Judge Rules in Favor of AP in Meltwater Case

Blog By DMCA Force

Late last week, U.S. District Judge Denise Cote ruled that the Associated Press is "entitled to summary judgment on its claim that Meltwater has engaged in copyright infringement and that Meltwater’s copying is no

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March 25, 2013

IsoHunt Loses Another Round in Court

Blog By DMCA Force

In a decision that likely comes as no shock to anyone who is not named "Gary Fung," IsoHunt founder Gary Fung suffered another loss in court last week, when a panel of judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

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