August 20, 2014
Anti-Piracy Efforts Against Torrent Sites Contribute to Torrent Downfall
Blog By DMCA Force
For as long as there’s been an Internet, there has been Internet piracy—and for many years now, torrent sites have simply seemed inevitable, as invincible as they are maligned. According to recent data, however,
October 8, 2013
Google Takes Down A Pirate Link Every Eight Seconds
Blog By DMCA Force
It has been revealed Google takes down more than eight pirate links every second. The record breaking number has been published thanks to Google's transparency report, which outlines the staggering rise of takedown
September 11, 2013
How Google Fights Piracy
Blog By DMCA Force
An in depth report has been released by Google outlining its different strategies at fighting online piracy. The report goes one step further and gives copyright holders a variety of tips for combating piracy but al
July 30, 2013
Microsoft Sends Itself a Takedown Notice
Blog By DMCA Force
We recently reported that Google had received over 100 million takedown notices this year and amongst those notices was a request from Microsoft to take down Yes, you read that right. Microsoft in a b
July 25, 2013
Google Takes Down Over 100 Million Pirate Links
Blog By DMCA Force
Since the start of 2013 Google has received over 100 million requests from copyright holders to remove pirated content from infringing webpages. More than ever before people are utilizing DMCA takedown notices that
July 15, 2013
Google and Microsoft Join Ad Networks Anti-Piracy Guidelines
Blog By DMCA Force
Tech giants Google, Microsoft Yahoo and AOL have agreed to join in a campaign that is aimed at preventing ads from promoting piracy and counterfeit goods. A new document released today titled, "Best Practices Guidel
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