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August 20, 2014

Anti-Piracy Efforts Against Torrent Sites Contribute to Torrent Downfall

Blog By DMCA Force

For as long as there’s been an Internet, there has been Internet piracy—and for many years now, torrent sites have simply seemed inevitable, as invincible as they are maligned. According to recent data, however,

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September 11, 2013

How Google Fights Piracy

Blog By DMCA Force

An in depth report has been released by Google outlining its different strategies at fighting online piracy. The report goes one step further and gives copyright holders a variety of tips for combating piracy but al

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August 6, 2013

New Anti-Piracy Alternative Proposed By Comcast

Blog By DMCA Force

Comcast Corp., the largest cable operator in the United States is in the early phase of creating a new system to help battle online piracy. Comcast Corp. has started preliminary discussions with film and TV studios

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July 23, 2013


Blog By DMCA Force

After several attempts and efforts made by the Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) and the Motion Picture Association (MPA) EZTV will be blocked by British ISPs such as Sky, BT, TalkTalk and Virgin. Last week

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July 19, 2013

All Copyright Holders Can Utilize DMCA Takedown Notices

Copyright News By DMCA Force

More often that not when we see the term, “DMCA” or “DMCA Notice” in the news, we associate it with major record labels and movie production companies. Granted, these types of companies see their fair share

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July 15, 2013

Google and Microsoft Join Ad Networks Anti-Piracy Guidelines

Blog By DMCA Force

Tech giants Google, Microsoft Yahoo and AOL have agreed to join in a campaign that is aimed at preventing ads from promoting piracy and counterfeit goods. A new document released today titled, "Best Practices Guidel

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June 26, 2013

Digital Piracy And Search Engines

Blog By DMCA Force

Potential consumers often find the products they are looking for through search engines and of course, most business owners have heard of search engine optimization. There’s often huge emphasis on how to rank a bu

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June 25, 2013

Game of Thrones Most Pirated Show of 2013

Blog By DMCA Force

As of last week, HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones has been billed the most pirated TV show of the 2013 spring season. It is estimated that an average of 5.2 million downloads occurred for each episode. This is an in

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June 13, 2013

The Rise of Patent Trolls

Blog By DMCA Force

The above mentioned title sounds a bit like a scary movie right? Truth is, The White House recently released a report on the amount of Patent Assertion Entities or as we call them, ‘Patent Trolls’ filing bogus c

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June 3, 2013

Of New Clients and Eye Opening Experiences

Copyright News By DMCA Force

As DMCA Force grows and expands the list of clients using our DMCA takedown services, we're bringing aboard new clients from a variety of industries. Some come to us with a pretty good idea of what they're up agains

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