July 18, 2013
Spotify Reveals Online Piracy Soars After Music Festivals
Blog By DMCA Force
Thanks to new research conducted by Spotify, online piracy soars after music festivals. The document titled, "Adventures in the Netherlands" showcases Gers Pardoel and Racoon who both played at the Stoppelhaene Fest
May 13, 2013
Pirate Party Rep: Artists Don’t Have “the Right to Get Money”
Blog By DMCA Force
I suppose it should come as no surprise that Amelia Andersdotter, a member of Sweden's Pirate Party and the youngest member of the European Parliament, is hostile to the very idea of a music industry, but comments a
May 1, 2013
DMCA Force Now a Part of NARM
Blog By DMCA Force
DMCA Force is pleased to announce that we have joined the ranks of the National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM), a trade association established back in 1958 to advance the business of music. So, what
February 22, 2013
RIAA Grades Google’s ‘Anti-Piracy Algorithm’ and (Surprise!) Google Gets an F
Blog By DMCA Force
As you might recall if you follow copyright and piracy-related news, Google announced back in August that it was going to start taking into account the number of valid copyright removal notices it received for any g
February 20, 2013
Another Day, Another (Misleading) Infographic About Online Piracy
Blog By DMCA Force
Over on Mashable, there's a recent post that includes an infographic entitled "The Obscenely High Penalties of Downloading Music" attributed to Total Bankruptcy Attorneys. Couched in language that makes it quite cle
February 8, 2013
Can Pressure on Major Brands Over Support of Piracy Sites Make a Difference?
Blog By DMCA Force
There's an encouraging, if modest, trend afoot in the ongoing battle against online piracy: rights-holders, recording artists, and those who support them are starting to make some noise of the sort that makes corpor
January 30, 2013
Required Reading for Those Interested in the Subject of Online Music Piracy
Blog By DMCA Force
When it comes to the subject of the online piracy of music, there's no shortage of information available on the Web. Unfortunately, a lot of that information can be categorized as "questionable," if we're to be char
January 24, 2013
Piracy and the Entitlement Mindset, Again
Blog By DMCA Force
Earlier this week, I sent a link to my previous post on this subject to an old friend of mine. Once upon a time, we were both in local rock bands and fancied ourselves to be future professional musicians. These day
January 21, 2013
Piracy and the Entitlement Mindset
Blog By DMCA Force
In reading a bit about "Mega," the new site/service launched by alleged pirate Kim Dotcom, I did something that is really against my better judgment: I scrolled down and read through the comments posted in response
Unlock Your Revenue Potential at the AW Summit 2024 in Bucharest!
September 10, 2024
DMCAForce to Attend TES 2024
September 4, 2024
Got questions about protecting your digital assets from copyright infringement?