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December 23, 2014

Piracy and the Holidays

Blog By DMCA Force

Pirates don't take time off for the Holidays, and neither do we. Now, that bold statement creates a unique conundrum... how to keep up the fight without ruining our team's sanity, social-life or family time? I'm no

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March 6, 2014

DMCA Force Customer Testimonials

Blog By DMCA Force

We recently had the chance to catch up with a few of our clients and we wanted to hear their feedback and thoughts on DMCA Force. Listed below you'll find a variety of comments from self published authors, independe

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February 27, 2014

The Romance Fiction Sector: Navigating the Digital Age and Piracy

Blog By DMCA Force

Readers have loved romance novels for hundreds of years. The deep emotional connection developed by talented romance writers has created loyal fans, who eagerly anticipate the next release from their favorite author

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November 7, 2013

Will The Revival of Demonoid Affect You?

Blog By DMCA Force

The once popular BitTorrent tracker, Demonoid is currently in the process of a site revitalization. Early signs of life have begun to appear on the website with messages such as, 'Coming back soon, please check back

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October 8, 2013

Google Takes Down A Pirate Link Every Eight Seconds

Blog By DMCA Force

It has been revealed Google takes down more than eight pirate links every second. The record breaking number has been published thanks to Google's transparency report, which outlines the staggering rise of takedown

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September 11, 2013

How Google Fights Piracy

Blog By DMCA Force

An in depth report has been released by Google outlining its different strategies at fighting online piracy. The report goes one step further and gives copyright holders a variety of tips for combating piracy but al

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August 29, 2013

Torrent Site TheBox.bz Will Close Its Doors This Weekend

Blog By DMCA Force

One of the world's largest torrent sites, TheBox.bz will be closing its doors this Saturday. TheBox.bz, a private site that has close to 90,000 members isn't shutting down due to a particular threat, but rather the

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August 26, 2013

DMCA Force an Official Sponsor of Eroticon USA

Blog By DMCA Force

DMCA Force is pleased to announce that we are an official sponsor of Eroticon USA 2013. The event will be held on October 19th in Atlanta, Georgia and is a great opportunity for erotica writers, sex bloggers, and pu

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August 21, 2013

Upmoviz.com Complies with DMCA Force

Blog By DMCA Force

Since the start of DMCA Force, our company has valued the creative work of countless musicians, authors and film producers. We have always maintained the goal of ensuring that their original content would not become

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August 12, 2013

The Pirate Bay Launches ‘Pirate Browser’

Blog By DMCA Force

Known as one of the largest torrent platforms on the Internet, The Pirate Bay has released a new web browser that will be available to individuals who are currently blocked from accessing the site. 'Pirate Browser'

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