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May 28, 2013

DMCA Takedowns and Selectivity — by the Numbers

Copyright News By DMCA Force

Since June 2012, the proprietary software DMCA Force uses to locate possible infringements on our clients' copyrights has scanned over 100 million URLs that had terms, file names or other indicators that matched our

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May 22, 2013

Once Again, We’re in (Partial) Agreement With Derek Khanna

Blog By DMCA Force

Derek Khanna, copyright reform activist and driving force behind FixCopyright.com, has published a new op-ed piece on WashingtonPost.com entitled "Let artists, innovators and the public define our copyright system."

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May 10, 2013

A Tough Week for ‘Copyright Trolls’

Blog By DMCA Force

Two courts, one district and the other a court of appeals, handed down rulings in cases involving two of the country's more notorious "copyright trolls" this week, Righthaven and Prenda Law. These are both cases tha

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May 8, 2013

The Cons of a Strict “Loser Pays” Policy

Blog By DMCA Force

Over on Forbes.com today, Tim Worstall asks: {W}hy is the US near unique in not having a system whereby the loser picks up both sets of legal bills? His question comes in the context of thinking of ways to prevent c

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May 6, 2013

A Different Sort of Copyright Theft

Blog By DMCA Force

Normally on this blog, when we talk about copyright infringement or intellectual property theft, the perpetrators are people generally unknown to the rights-holder -- for-profit pirates operating from parts unknown,

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May 3, 2013

Of Cats and Copyright; Warner Bros Sued by Meme Makers

Blog By DMCA Force

Warner Brothers, no stranger to intellectual property litigation, now finds itself on the defendant's side of the table of a trademark lawsuit filed by... (wait for it...) the creators of the Keyboard Cat and Nyan C

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April 26, 2013

Reforming Copyright: Where’s the Balance?

Blog By DMCA Force

Over on Ars Technica today, Timothy Lee has published an interesting piece called "Five ways Congress should improve the copyright system," and while I'm not in complete agreement with the measures Lee suggests, I f

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April 15, 2013

Spain Tries to Keep Itself Off of USTR’s Watch List

Blog By DMCA Force

Each year, the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) puts out what it calls a "Special 301" report, a review of "the of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement in trading part

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April 8, 2013

One Subject on Which Piracy Apologists Have a Point… To a Point

Blog By DMCA Force

In reading about the (inevitable) piracy of Netflix's popular original series House of Cards, and the yeezy replica evidently record-setting piracy of the third seasons premier of HBO's Game of Thrones, I'm struck b

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April 2, 2013

Court Denies Broadcasters Prelim Injunction in the Aereo Case

Blog By DMCA Force

In a ruling that some interpret as a very bad portent for the plaintiffs'/broadcasters' claims, a panel of judges from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court's decision declining the plaintiffs

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