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November 14, 2012

Memes and Marketing; Use With Caution

Blog By DMCA Force

In light of the popularity and rapid viral spread of various Internet memes, it's only natural that companies would seek to tap into this powerful modern spin on traditional "word of mouth marketing" by incorporatin

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November 7, 2012

Will Copyright Reform Be On The Agenda In 2013?

Blog By DMCA Force

With the election now over, one hopes that the three branches of our federal government will turn their attention fully to the pressing policy issues of the day, chief among those issues being the looming "fiscal cl

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November 5, 2012

Twitter Changes its Handling of Tweets Alleged to Infringe On Copyright

Blog By DMCA Force

Twitter's legal policy manager, Jeremy Kessel, announced on Friday a change in Twitter's handling of tweets that the social messaging platform receives DMCA take-down requests for. Going forward, such tweets will be

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November 2, 2012

Copyright Office Issues New Rules on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems

Blog By DMCA Force

Last week, the Copyright Office published its final rule regarding "Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies." Much like its tongue-twisting mouthful

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October 8, 2012

Copyright + Resale + Intangible Goods = Tricky Legal Questions

Blog By DMCA Force

Judge Richard Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has a legal humdinger on his hands in the form of EMI Music's lawsuit against ReDigi, the service that allows its users to stor

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September 21, 2012

Congressional Anti-Piracy Caucus Issues New Watch List

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In its latest "Country Watch List," the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus identifies a handful of countries wherein a "lack of enforcement of intellectual property rights... causes grave harm to America

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September 14, 2012

Six Strikes, But How Many Teeth?

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Reading over Ars Technica's coverage of its interview with Center for Copyright Information Executive Director Jill Lesser, it's hard to say how exactly the Copyright Alert System, AKA "six strikes" is going to work

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September 12, 2012

Copyright and Innovation

Blog By DMCA Force

Rutgers University law professor Michael A. Carrier has published a very interesting paper called "Copyright and Innovation: The Untold Story" that is very much worth reading, regardless of whether you agree with it

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September 7, 2012

Digital Fingerprint Filtering and The Blame Game

Blog By DMCA Force

If you go by the headlines alone, then you'd be tempted to come to the conclusion that technology like digital fingerprint filtering is wreaking havoc on the Internet, and resulting in instant take-down of online co

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September 5, 2012

Intellectual Property and the Presidential Election

Blog By DMCA Force

For topics that are subject to such extensive discussion among web surfers, academics, lawyers, media professionals, and technologists alike, issues like intellectual property enforcement and digital content piracy

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