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August 24, 2019

AVForce Digital Fingerprinting Makes Content Ownership Obvious

Blog By Mark B

So, you make some great original content you are the owner, you file a copyright for that content and now, no one else can use it without your permission, right? But get this, there are people out there that would s

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February 12, 2013

Digital Fingerprint Filtering: It Only Works If You Use It

Blog By DMCA Force

In trying to encourage people to make use of the anti-piracy tools that scarpe basket jordan are available to them, be those people prospective DMCA Force clients or simply rights-holders with whom I'm friends, I'm

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October 18, 2012

Megaupload’s New Plan: Will It Fly, Legally?

Blog By DMCA Force

In an article on Wired.com today, Kim Dotcom and Mathias Ortmann outlined their vision for a new service, called simply "Mega," including an approach to file-hosting that the pair believes will render their service

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October 3, 2012

YouTube Announces Changes to its Content ID System

Blog By DMCA Force

Earlier today, YouTube's Rights Management Product Manager, Thabet Alfishawi, published a blog post outlining a few changes that have been made to YouTube's Content ID system. The changes include a new appeals pr

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September 7, 2012

Digital Fingerprint Filtering and The Blame Game

Blog By DMCA Force

If you go by the headlines alone, then you'd be tempted to come to the conclusion that technology like digital fingerprint filtering is wreaking havoc on the Internet, and resulting in instant take-down of online co

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