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August 24, 2019

AVForce Digital Fingerprinting Makes Content Ownership Obvious

Blog By Mark B

So, you make some great original content you are the owner, you file a copyright for that content and now, no one else can use it without your permission, right? But get this, there are people out there that would s

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July 5, 2019

DMCAForce Never Sleeps Because It’s Always Spidering

Blog By Mark B

DMCAForce was founded in 2009 set out with a mission and an army of spiders. Well, not real spiders; but we will get to that in a minute. DMCAForce's mission is simple, they want to protect the work of independent a

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fight piracy
July 1, 2019

Pirates Don’t Stop Stealing Unless You Make Them

Blog By Mark B

The internet is a vast and wonderful place. It is full of ways you can share information, learn about new things, connect with friends and family and even more. But there is a darker side to the internet as well. I

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July 18, 2013

Spotify Reveals Online Piracy Soars After Music Festivals

Blog By DMCA Force

Thanks to new research conducted by Spotify, online piracy soars after music festivals. The document titled, "Adventures in the Netherlands" showcases Gers Pardoel and Racoon who both played at the Stoppelhaene Fest

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June 3, 2013

Of New Clients and Eye Opening Experiences

Copyright News By DMCA Force

As DMCA Force grows and expands the list of clients using our DMCA takedown services, we're bringing aboard new clients from a variety of industries. Some come to us with a pretty good idea of what they're up agains

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May 28, 2013

DMCA Takedowns and Selectivity — by the Numbers

Copyright News By DMCA Force

Since June 2012, the proprietary software DMCA Force uses to locate possible infringements on our clients' copyrights has scanned over 100 million URLs that had terms, file names or other indicators that matched our

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May 22, 2013

Once Again, We’re in (Partial) Agreement With Derek Khanna

Blog By DMCA Force

Derek Khanna, copyright reform activist and driving force behind FixCopyright.com, has published a new op-ed piece on WashingtonPost.com entitled "Let artists, innovators and the public define our copyright system."

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May 20, 2013

BitTorrent Piracy and Selective Media Focus

Blog By DMCA Force

If you have read any of the coverage surrounding a recently published study headed up by Anders Drachen of Aalborg University called "Distribution of Digital Games via BitTorrent" then one point you have had hammere

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May 17, 2013

Congressional Subcommittee Begins “Comprehensive Copyright Review”

Blog By DMCA Force

This week, the Intellectual Property and the Internet Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary began its "comprehensive review" of U.S. copyright law, kicking things off with a hearing that included test

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May 15, 2013

More Stuff You Probably Shouldn’t Do as a DMCA Takedown Service Provider

Blog By DMCA Force

On several occasions now, this blog has addressed things that one shouldn't do as a DMCA takedown service provider, like place too much faith in DMCA takedown automation or issue a DMCA takedown notice in response t

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