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May 15, 2013

More Stuff You Probably Shouldn’t Do as a DMCA Takedown Service Provider

Blog By DMCA Force

On several occasions now, this blog has addressed things that one shouldn't do as a DMCA takedown service provider, like place too much faith in DMCA takedown automation or issue a DMCA takedown notice in response t

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May 10, 2013

A Tough Week for ‘Copyright Trolls’

Blog By DMCA Force

Two courts, one district and the other a court of appeals, handed down rulings in cases involving two of the country's more notorious "copyright trolls" this week, Righthaven and Prenda Law. These are both cases tha

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May 8, 2013

The Cons of a Strict “Loser Pays” Policy

Blog By DMCA Force

Over on Forbes.com today, Tim Worstall asks: {W}hy is the US near unique in not having a system whereby the loser picks up both sets of legal bills? His question comes in the context of thinking of ways to prevent c

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May 6, 2013

A Different Sort of Copyright Theft

Blog By DMCA Force

Normally on this blog, when we talk about copyright infringement or intellectual property theft, the perpetrators are people generally unknown to the rights-holder -- for-profit pirates operating from parts unknown,

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May 3, 2013

Of Cats and Copyright; Warner Bros Sued by Meme Makers

Blog By DMCA Force

Warner Brothers, no stranger to intellectual property litigation, now finds itself on the defendant's side of the table of a trademark lawsuit filed by... (wait for it...) the creators of the Keyboard Cat and Nyan C

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April 24, 2013

Court: Grooveshark Not Protected by DMCA Safe Harbor on Pre-1972 Recordings

Blog By DMCA Force

In a decision handed down yesterday, a five-judge panel from the New York Supreme Court held that the 'safe harbor' provisions of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act do not shield Grooveshark from liability with res

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April 19, 2013

YouTube Wins Another Round Against Viacom

Blog By DMCA Force

By now, you've probably seen the news that U.S. District Judge Louis Stanton has awarded summary judgment to YouTube in Viacom v. YouTube, and you've probably read the salient quotes from the decision, as well. Rat

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April 17, 2013

Even When You Can, Maybe You Shouldn’t, Redux

Blog By DMCA Force

As this blog is operated by an anti-piracy services company, it's natural for us to focus on intellectual property misdeeds of pirates and pirate-enablers. From time to time, however, we run across a story in which

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April 12, 2013

A Few Words About “Copyright Trolls”

Blog By DMCA Force

If you follow copyright law and intellectual property-related news at all, then there's little doubt that you've read about "copyright trolls," a term for which Wikipedia offers as good a definition as I've seen: "a

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April 4, 2013

Judge: ‘Either the Law or ReDigi Must Change’

Blog By DMCA Force

Back in October, I wrote briefly about Capitol Records' (a division of EMI Music) lawsuit against ReDigi, a service that allows users to store, stream, buy and sell "pre-owned" digital music. At the time, I thoug

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