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August 30, 2018

Europe is fighting back against e-Book piracy

DMCA Force News By Mark B

At the beginning of the month, an US-hosted ebook piracy website was taken down. Active for several months, the site was giving away ebooks for free. The piracy in the sector is directing affecting publishers and au

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August 7, 2018

Oceanofpdf Piracy Website Taken Down

DMCA Force News By Mark B

US-hosted ebook piracy website Oceanofpdf, which was giving away ebooks for free, has been shut down, reports theBookseller. The site, which was active for seven months, had offered thousands of PDF and EPUB files

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June 21, 2018

Alex Ocampo Joins DMCAForce to Battle Piracy

DMCA Force News By Mark B

Alex started as a WebMaster in 2000 and was quick to comment, "I've seen lots of pirate sites evolving, starting with Napster back in 2000, then PirateBay, and now numerous tube sites". Working for different Compani

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May 31, 2018

Click, led & depfile Filesharing Sites Down

DMCA Force News By Mark B

A Moldovan man has been arrested for violating the Computer Crime Act by operating a website. They had illegal files. Pol Maj Gen Worrawat Wattanakornbancha, commander of the Technology Crime Suppression Division

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August 24, 2017

Redesign of DMCAForce.com and Services

Copyright News By Mark B

Check out our new Infrastructure and Design for DMCAForce.com This is an invitation for you to come back and check out what you've been missing from DMCA Force. New infrastructure is up and running and new modern d

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April 1, 2017

DMCA Force back and Live

Copyright News By Mark B

April 1st 2017 Attention DMCA Force Clients: The new DMCA servers are back online and are handling all the comprehensive scanning again. We will be maintaining our high levels of accuracy at our current costs as i

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May 19, 2015

The Demise and Remorse of Groove Shark

Blog By DMCA Force

Music sharing site Grooveshark.com closed its doors with a statement citing both fault and remorse for their illegal file sharing activities. We salute their actions and honesty. From the statement... "If

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March 10, 2015

.SO bans more Pirate Sites

Blog By DMCA Force

Jokes about Somalian Pirates aside, at least the country's Top Level Domain (TLD),  wants to eliminate their status as a safe haven for I.P. theft and copyright infringement. The Somali TLD - .SO - has started aggr

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March 10, 2015

Tucson Festival of Books

Blog By DMCA Force

We're are thrilled to be participating in the Tucson Festival of Books this year and look forward to touching base with all of our authors new and old. See you at the UofA this weekend.

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February 26, 2015

Super Charged Spiders

Blog By DMCA Force

We really like our search spiders here. We raise them, train them, teach them tricks and then send them out into the world to seek piracy. We are happy to announce that, after a few weeks of development, our sear

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