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September 26, 2012

Turning Piracy Problems Into Copyright Resources

Blog By DMCA Force

No matter how dogged and persistent you are as an enforcer of intellectual property rights, there are certain 'hard target' copyright-infringing websites that jordan femme are basically impossible to reach. Operatin

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September 21, 2012

Congressional Anti-Piracy Caucus Issues New Watch List

Blog By DMCA Force

In its latest "Country Watch List," the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus identifies a handful of countries wherein a "lack of enforcement of intellectual property rights... causes grave harm to America

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September 18, 2012

Meet Me at the Corner of Piracy and Irony

Blog By DMCA Force

German Pirate Party executive committee member Julia Schramm must be experiencing some severe discomfort right about now. The outspoken advocate of information freedom (read: "piracy"), who apparently once referred

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August 21, 2012

RapidShare to U.S. Officials: Focus on Linking Sites

Blog By DMCA Force

In comments recently submitted to the Office of the jordan femme U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC), RapidShare's Chief Legal Officer Daniel Raimer recommended that the U.S. government focus i

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