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September 11, 2013

How Google Fights Piracy

Blog By DMCA Force

An in depth report has been released by Google outlining its different strategies at fighting online piracy. The report goes one step further and gives copyright holders a variety of tips for combating piracy but al

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August 26, 2013

DMCA Force an Official Sponsor of Eroticon USA

Blog By DMCA Force

DMCA Force is pleased to announce that we are an official sponsor of Eroticon USA 2013. The event will be held on October 19th in Atlanta, Georgia and is a great opportunity for erotica writers, sex bloggers, and pu

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August 12, 2013

The Pirate Bay Launches ‘Pirate Browser’

Blog By DMCA Force

Known as one of the largest torrent platforms on the Internet, The Pirate Bay has released a new web browser that will be available to individuals who are currently blocked from accessing the site. 'Pirate Browser'

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August 7, 2013

DMCA Force Attends PotLuck Audio Conference

Blog By DMCA Force

This past weekend a music trade show known as, 'Potluck Audio Conference' was held in Tucson, Arizona and DMCA Force was lucky enough to attend the event. The conference featured a variety of panel discussions and k

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July 30, 2013

Microsoft Sends Itself a Takedown Notice

Blog By DMCA Force

We recently reported that Google had received over 100 million takedown notices this year and amongst those notices was a request from Microsoft to take down Microsoft.com. Yes, you read that right. Microsoft in a b

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July 25, 2013

Google Takes Down Over 100 Million Pirate Links

Blog By DMCA Force

Since the start of 2013 Google has received over 100 million requests from copyright holders to remove pirated content from infringing webpages. More than ever before people are utilizing DMCA takedown notices that

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July 19, 2013

All Copyright Holders Can Utilize DMCA Takedown Notices

Copyright News By DMCA Force

More often that not when we see the term, “DMCA” or “DMCA Notice” in the news, we associate it with major record labels and movie production companies. Granted, these types of companies see their fair share

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July 18, 2013

Spotify Reveals Online Piracy Soars After Music Festivals

Blog By DMCA Force

Thanks to new research conducted by Spotify, online piracy soars after music festivals. The document titled, "Adventures in the Netherlands" showcases Gers Pardoel and Racoon who both played at the Stoppelhaene Fest

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July 15, 2013

Google and Microsoft Join Ad Networks Anti-Piracy Guidelines

Blog By DMCA Force

Tech giants Google, Microsoft Yahoo and AOL have agreed to join in a campaign that is aimed at preventing ads from promoting piracy and counterfeit goods. A new document released today titled, "Best Practices Guidel

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July 9, 2013

Take A Look At Our Newly Re-Designed Website!

Blog By DMCA Force

Whether you're new to the DMCA Force family or an old  friend of ours, you have probably noticed that we have re-designed our website. It now showcases a clean, simple and straightforward layout that can help you n

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