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January 24, 2013

Piracy and the Entitlement Mindset, Again

Blog By DMCA Force

Earlier this week, I sent a link to my previous post on this subject to an old friend of mine. Once upon a time, we were both in local rock bands and fancied ourselves to be future professional musicians. These day

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January 21, 2013

Piracy and the Entitlement Mindset

Blog By DMCA Force

In reading a bit about "Mega," the new site/service launched by alleged pirate Kim Dotcom, I did something that is really against my better judgment: I scrolled down and read through the comments posted in response

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January 17, 2013

Carnegie Mellon Prof. Addresses ‘Piracy Myths’

Blog By DMCA Force

Speaking at the Digital Book World Conference in New York earlier this week, Carnegie Mellon University's Michael D. Smith addressed three myths common to discussions of illegal downloading, according to Media Bistr

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January 9, 2013

Does Congress Have a SOPA Hangover?

Blog By DMCA Force

Earlier this week over on Hillicon Valley, Jennifer Martinez penned an interesting piece about an apparent reticence on the part of many in Congress to introducing new legislation designed to curb online piracy, a h

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December 12, 2012

Google Adds More Detail to its Transparency Report

Blog By DMCA Force

In a blog post published yesterday by the search giant's Legal Director, Fred Von Lohmann, Google announced that it is now disclosing the number of scarpe jordan uomo URLs removed from its SERPs on a per-request bas

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December 7, 2012

Author of Controversial Copyright Reform Brief Fired from GOP Committee

Blog By DMCA Force

File under "E" for Excessive Response. The scarpe jordan Republican Study Committee reportedly fired a young staffer named Derek Khanna following the backlash that ensued from the publication of his policy brief,

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December 3, 2012

The Perils of DMCA Take Down Notice Automation (Again)

Blog By DMCA Force

It seems like you can't turn around these days without another embarrassing situation arising from careless DMCA take-down notice protocols. In this case, it appears that a representative of movie studios has issued

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November 30, 2012

‘Six Strikes’ Policy Implementation Delayed

Blog By DMCA Force

The Center for Copyright Information announced earlier this week that deployment of the Copyright Alert System, AKA "six strikes," has been delayed. CCI said that instead of launching by the end of this month, the

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November 7, 2012

Will Copyright Reform Be On The Agenda In 2013?

Blog By DMCA Force

With the election now over, one hopes that the three branches of our federal government will turn their attention fully to the pressing policy issues of the day, chief among those issues being the looming "fiscal cl

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October 26, 2012

John Mellencamp Weighs In On DMCA, Copyright Reform

Blog By DMCA Force

In an article published by the Huffington Post yesterday afternoon, musician John Mellencamp chips in his two cents about online music piracy, the DMCA and what he sees as a manifest need for a rewrite of copyright

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