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March 8, 2013

Another Copyright Reform Website, More Detail This Time

Blog By DMCA Force

Earlier this week, I expressed disappointment in the lack of information to be found on FixCopyright.com, a website recently launched by copyright reform activist Derek Khanna. Today, I stumbled across another websi

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March 6, 2013

FixCopyright.com – Sounds Good, But a Little Detail Would Be Nice

Blog By DMCA Force

Derek Khanna, a copyright reform activist who I've written about previously, has launched a new website, FixCopyright.com, as part of his advocacy campaign. As a staunch advocate of strong intellectual property rig

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March 4, 2013

The Pirate Bay Hopes to Find Smoother Sailing in…. North Korea? UPDATED

Blog By DMCA Force

Update: OK, so apparently this announcement was a hoax... and I fell for air max 97 pas cher it, along with a whole lot of other people who also should have known better. Here's what TBP had to say about it (m

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February 22, 2013

RIAA Grades Google’s ‘Anti-Piracy Algorithm’ and (Surprise!) Google Gets an F

Blog By DMCA Force

As you might recall if you follow copyright and piracy-related news, Google announced back in August that it was going to start taking into account the number of valid copyright removal notices it received for any g

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February 20, 2013

Another Day, Another (Misleading) Infographic About Online Piracy

Blog By DMCA Force

Over on Mashable, there's a recent post that includes an infographic entitled "The Obscenely High Penalties of Downloading Music" attributed to Total Bankruptcy Attorneys. Couched in language that makes it quite cle

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February 18, 2013

Google Seeking to Cut Funding to Piracy Sites?

Blog By DMCA Force

In a brief and maddeningly vague article published over the weekend, The Telegraph reports that Google is in discussions with air max 95 pas cher VISA, Mastercard and PayPal seeking ways to cut off funding to "illeg

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February 15, 2013

(Not So) Intellectual Property

Blog By DMCA Force

Among the many stumbling blocks that face rights-holders in the Internet Age, one of the more confounding is... other rights-holders. Take, for example, the case of investigative reporter Teri Buhl, who recently de

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February 12, 2013

Digital Fingerprint Filtering: It Only Works If You Use It

Blog By DMCA Force

In trying to encourage people to make use of the anti-piracy tools that scarpe basket jordan are available to them, be those people prospective DMCA Force clients or simply rights-holders with whom I'm friends, I'm

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February 6, 2013

The Perils of DMCA Take Down Notice Automation (Yet Again)

Blog By DMCA Force

Here we go, again. I've written before, twice, about the danger of introducing too much automation into your system for issuing DMCA take down notices, and now it appears that HBO is getting an object lesson in tha

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February 5, 2013

Forbes Presents: NMPA vs. CEA

Blog By DMCA Force

Over on Forbes.com, the last week has seen the publication of two opposing posts on the air max 97 pas cher subject of copyright law and the place of the same in the context of the American economy and public policy

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